I’m still paying to host this domain so I might as well update the blog once in a while.
Truth is, I started this blog to share all of my running adventures. The SAD truth is, I haven’t had many running adventures to write about in a while. It seems like this past summer was hotter than usual and I probably used that as an excuse to be lazier than usual.
I spent several months of free time building two new acoustic guitars and watching about 4 full seasons of “24” on NetFlix. I ran just often enough to claim “runner” status but that’s about it. Unfortunately, I missed the opportunity to share a few blogworthy events.
Warrior Dash came to Mississippi in April. I’m a big fan of the show “WipeOut” and secretly want to be a contestant so entering Warrior Dash was a no-brainer. Barbed wire, mudholes, fire pits…all we need are some “Big Red Balls” and slo-mo instant replay.
A few days before the event, it was announced that there would be no on-site parking and everyone would be riding shuttle buses to and from the course. Thousands of warriors standing in line for school buses sounded like a nightmare to me so I took matters into my own hands. I parked four miles away and ran to the event grounds, then ran back after.
In May, I decided to run from my house to my office 18 miles away. Eighteen miles is not such a big deal but it’s a lot of pressure when you’re on a tight schedule.
I needed to arrive in time to meet co-workers for a 2 mile run around the office at 6:30AM. To make that deadline, I left at 3:30 and ran for two hours in the dark then finished up the last few miles watching the sun rise. It was an interesting commute but I really missed the extra time in bed.
In September, the firefighters in my community organized an 11 mile run in honor and memorial of firefighters and other emergency service personnel involved in the 9/11/2001 attacks. Of course, it was very hot and I found it difficult to complete at my normal pace – especially after my lazy summer. Our amazing firemen completed the course in FULL GEAR with flags waving. That’s determination!